Tuesday 19 July 2011

Follow the Big Black Hole.

Have you ever had the feeling of  Déjà vu? An eerie feeling that you’ve lived the moment before - same place, same conversations, same audience? Yeah? Stay tuned…
I’ve been having a lot of these off late…like a twisted groundhog’s day joke that throws you into a Deja-Vu induced funk.

It’s been another week in corporate paradise, another day of earth shattering insights and some more basking in the glory of the advertising that could be…but no this wasn’t the nagging Déjà vu… it was something else…it was my repeated pursuit of common sense; day after day, meeting after meeting, concall after concall; but in vain.  Revelations had been made time and again, powerpoints projected, discussions were had….yet the same questions and conversations kept coming back…like a boomerang on a mission. Time after Time.
And then came the funk-How could this be? Why are we having the same discussion again? Um Isn’t it common sense? Or is it not?

 Since it was just me who seemed to be this obsessed with revealing this ‘common sense’...it could mean one of two things- a) My levels of stupidity had reached new paramount levels previously unheard of  or b) I had been transported into a world of falling IQ’s and the potential of  my sheer genius was only now being unraveled- to myself that is.

Neither one seemed convincing enough. This got me thinking.. (Yes yes Planners do ‘think’ sometimes. Sheesh).

There had to be some other force at play here….a force beyond us all. No, not God..I’d really hope he/she/it had better things to do than to police common sense (??). It definitely is something else…. Let’s call it, for this purpose, The Big Black Hole.

So here’s how it must’ve gone down. Every time I furthered this pursuit in a meeting/concall/presentation etc…the words did leave my mouth but got intercepted by a force so sinister....it dissipated them into thin air, like information mist…never letting them touch anything/anyone significant. It was the evil doings of the Big Black Hole….just sucking in my words before they could reach anyone else. I mean why would a measly planner fathom questioning 'em corporate Gods?

That’s what it had to be. That’s the only possible explanation to my funk. That’s why I remember those conversations, yet no one else seems to. That’s why my trusted dabba golas have failed me (sweet ppt I should never have doubted you. Fogive me so).

The world is not mad, IQ’s aren’t falling at exponential rates, I’m not a genius (or we can debate that too),  these conversations did happen and I am definitely neither cynical nor sarcastic.

All is good in corporate advertising… and the insights shall rain again. Phew. I’m not crazy..it’s just the damn Big Black Hole.

But now that got me thinking into..what does the Big Black Hole do with all that information?- Sell it to google? Does it re-boot? Can we give it a virus/spam it with gyaan overdose?  Interesting…but maybe that should be left for another time. You’re welcome.

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